Start Times
Thursday 22 August
Welcome reception
Commences 6:00pm
Friday 23 August
Conference Opening Ceremony
Commences 9:00am
Saturday 24 August
Technical Tour Registration
Commences 8:00am
※ Please arrive and complete your registration prior to these times.
ICAPPS is is one of the premier conference on research involved urban planning.
2024 ICAPPS will take place in Seoul, Korea during August 22-24, 2024.
Call for Papers
Abstract Submission Due : April 22, 2024
Important Dates
- Abstract submission due : March 25 10:00 ~ April 22, 2024 18:00
- Notification of Abstract Review : May 3, 2024
- Final paper submission due : June 3 10:00 ~ June 28, 2024 18:00
[Notice] The dates above are for Korean participants only. All overseas participants should contact the institute of their own country.<.b>
ICAPPS (International Conference of Asia Pacific Planning Societies) is an annual international event where researchers, experts, and students from urban planning fields in Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and Vietnam, representative countries in the Asia-Pacific region, gather to have in-depth discussions on various topics of urban planning ICAPPS 2024 will take place in Seoul, Korea during August 22-24, 2024.
ICAPPS is a highly selective conference that includes invited talks, as well as refereed full papers. ICAPPS publishes original, high-quality papers related to search and data mining on the urban/regional planning.
List of Topics
Topics covered include but are not limited to:
- Regional and Urban Planning
- Regional and Urban Economics
- Transportation and Safety
- Infrastructure and Development
- Urban Design and Landscape
- Urban Regeneration and Management
- Urban Policy and Welfare
- Real Estate
- Land and Housing
- Land-use and Spatial Structure
- Environment and Disaster Management
- Smart City and GIS
Program Overview
August 22-24, 2024 Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
08.22 (Thurs)
Welcoming Reception
Grand Ballroom, The Commons, Yonsei University
18:00 ~ 18:30
Opening Address
Bong Moon Choi, President of KPA
Guest Address
Jen Te Pai, President of TIUP
Hiroshi Watanabe, President of CPIJ
Tran Ngoc Chinh, President of VUPDA
Commemorative Gift
18:30 ~ 20:00
Official Dinner
08.23 (Fri)
Engineering Hall 4 & The Commons, Yonsei University
08:00 ~
Registration (Lobby, Engineering Hall4)
Morning Session (Engineering Hall 4)
Session A
Oral Presentation
Opening Ceremony (Grand Ballroom, The Commons)
Opening Address
Bong Moon Choi, President of KPA
Guest Address
Jen Te Pai, President of TIUP
Hiroshi Watanabe, President of CPIJ
Tran Ngoc Chinh, President of VUPDA
Keynote Speech (Grand Ballroom, The Commons)
Lunch Break (Student Union)
Afternoon Session (Engineering Hall4)
Session B
Oral Presentation
Poster Session Q&A
Session C
Oral Presentation
Special Session (Engineering Hall4)
Closing Ceremony
Grand Ballroom, The Commons, Yonsei University
YUPN Awards
Greeting from new member
Hendricus Andy Simarmata, President of IAP
2025 ICAPPS Announcement
Jen Te Pai, President of TIUP
Closing Address
Bong Moon Choi, President of KPA
Official Dinner
08.24 (Sat)
Technical Tour
Meeting at Engineering Hall 4 Entrance
Engineering Hall 4 Entrance, Yonsei University
[Course 1] Seoul
Bukchon Hanok Village > Lunch > Cheongyecheon Stream(Free Time) > Seoul Museum of History >> Yonsei University (By 16:00)
[Course 2] Songdo
Korean-Chinese History Museum > Lunch > Urban Regeneration Site > Incheon Urban History Museum > WestBoat House (Boat Riding) > Incheon International Airport (By 15:30) > Yonsei University (By 16:00)
Keynote Speaker
Smarter Cities: Big Data and AI
- Date : August 23 (Fri) 11:30~11:50
- Venue : Grand Ballroom, The Commons
- Theme :
Kabsung Kim Professor, Yonsei University
Special Session
Smarter Cities: Big Data and AI
- Date : August 23 (Fri) 16:40~18:20
- Venue : D404, Engineering Hall4
- Theme : Connected Cities: Communities, Walkability and AI
Huang Kuang-Ting Professor / National Taipei University of Technology
Pixels to Pedestrians: Enhancing Walkability Assessments with Image Classification
Yuki Akiyama Professor / Tokyo City University
Does sectoral shift toward New industry increase industrial resilience in quasi-industrial area? Comparison between four quasi-industrial areas in Seoul
Trang Vuong Deputy CEO / enCITY Urban Solutions
AI in Urban Planning and Design: Opportunities and Challenges
Jeong Woo Lee Professor / Chung Ang University
Green over Gray: Connecting Cities with Green Infrastructure and Its Impact on Public Health
Kwan Ok Lee Chair, International Committee, Korea Planning Association
Professor, National Singapore University
YUPN Best Paper Presentation Award
The purpose of the Best Paper Presentation Award is to recognize and promote quality contributions to academic research and writing among young urban planning scholars and students who present papers at the ICAPPS 2024. The Best Paper Presentation Award is established in 2017 in Nagoya by CPIJ to encourage and recognize papers presented at the ICAPPS 2017 with graduate students or undergraduate students as the first authors.
The presenter should be the first author of the paper and he or she is an undergraduate or student graduate student or who has received Ph.D. or doctoral degree within 10 years.
Evaluation criteria
The session chair will select one (or two) best presentation(s) among all eligible presenters in your session.
Papers will be judged on the following criteria (for references) :
- Research & theoretical framing
- Research context, methodology and analysis
- Discussion & Conclusion : In-depth interpretation and rise-above from the research findings and prior literature by providing novel insights and expositions that stretch, refine, or challenge the theoretical constructs.
- Presentation Skill : Readability, coherence, effective organization, clear, well organized, eye contact, Lucid graphics (meaningful, clearly labeled; legible tables); Minimal jargon, not read. Responded well to questions. Met time limits.
Traditionally, the award is announced at the conference banquet. Students are strongly encouraged to attend this event. Banquet costs are included in the registration. The top-ranking and runner-up individual in each Session will receive an award.
Technical Tour
ICAPPS 2024 technical tour is organized to suit the conference theme and conference participants can choose one of the following two courses to participate.
[Course 1] Community, Walkability and AI -SEOUL
August 24, Saturday 09:00~16:00
08:00 ~
Registration (Meeting at Engineering Hall 4, Yonsei University)
09:00 ~
Depart from Yonsei University
09:20 ~ 11:30
Bukchon Hanok Village
12:00 ~ 13:00
13:00 ~ 13:50
Cheongyecheon Stream (Free Time)
14:00 ~ 15:30
Seoul Museum of History
~ 16:00
Return to Yonsei University
Place Information
Bukchon Hanok Village
Bukchon is located between Gyeongbokgung Palace, Changdeokgung Palace, and Jongmyo Shrine, and is a representative traditional residential area in Seoul where traditional Korean houses are concentrated. It is also called a street museum in the city center because of many historical sites, cultural properties, and folk materials.
Cheonggyecheon Stream
Most of the areas around Cheonggyecheon Stream were concentrated with buildings over 4·50 years old, so it was acting as a factor that hindered the urban environment as well as a decrease in the resident population. Moreover, resolving the imbalance problem between the Gangnam and Gangbuk areas is also a task for balanced development in Seoul.
Seoul Museum of History
The Seoul Museum of History is a representative cultural center of Seoul that provides Seoul citizens and foreigners visiting Seoul with the opportunity to feel and experience the culture of Seoul by organizing and showing the history and traditional culture of the city
[Course 2] Community, Walkability and AI -SONGDO
August 24, Saturday 08:50~16:00
08:00 ~
Registration (Meeting at Engineering Hall 4, Yonsei University)
08:50 ~
Depart from Yonsei University
10:00 ~ 11:00
Incheon Open Port Nuri-Gil, Incheon Open Port Modern Architecture Museum, Daebul Hotel, Incheon Open Port Museum, Incheon Art Platform
11:00 ~ 12:00
12:00 ~ 12:40
Donghwa Village Urban Regenaration Site Tour (Free time)
13:20 ~ 14:00
[Team1] Incheon Urban History Museum
[Team2] Songdo Central Park (Boat Riding)
14:20 ~ 15:00
[Team1] Songdo Central Park (Boat Riding)
[Team2] Incheon Urban History Museum
15:00 ~ 16:00
[Bus1] To Incheon Int'l Airport (Arrive by 15:30)
[Bus2] To Yonsei University (Arrive by 16:00)
Place Information
Incheon Open Port Nuri-Gil
The Incheon Open Port Nuri-gil, which was created in the area of the port near Incheon Station, is a theme road to walk while experiencing the history and culture of the modern port period. The Nuri-gil (Enjoying the World), called [Ole-gil in Incheon], is a walking tour course that has been operated since 2006 in Jung-gu, Incheon, and is a theme tour course where you can tour on foot while listening to interesting and informative explanations by a cultural tour commentator with extensive knowledge of cultural relics such as modern historical buildings.
A total of three walking courses will be divided around Incheon Station, and the one-hour course will start from Incheon Station to Chinatown Street, the Black Bean Noodles Museum, in front of the coastal cathedral, the Daebul Hotel Exhibition Hall, the Incheon Opening Museum, the Incheon Opening Port Modern Architecture Exhibition Hall, and the art platform.
Dong Hwa(Fairy Tale) Village Regeneration Site
Since the opening of the port in 1883, Songwol-dong has been a rich village where foreigners lived, but as the village ages, the number of empty houses increased and only the elderly remained. For this reason, in April 2013, murals were painted on the old walls with the theme of classical fairy tales and sculptures were built everywhere to improve the poor residential environment. Since the creation of Donghwa Village, this site has remained one of the success stories of Mural Village as it has become a popular tour site with Chinatown.
Incheon Urban History Museum
Under the theme of Incheon's urban development process, the Incheon Metropolitan Museum of History can see the city's history and transformation process of Incheon, which started anew as a modern city after opening the port in 1883. In the modern city hall on the first floor, you can see how Incheon's urban character and space have changed in the modern period from the opening of Jemulpo in 1883 to liberation in 1945.
Songdo Central Park
Located in the center of Songdo-dong, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, the park's first goal was to create a large green area for relaxation in the center of Songdo International City, where high-density residential and commercial areas are concentrated. It was created by taking advantage of the topographical characteristics of Korea in the international community, and inside the park are hills that express the mountain ranges of Korea, lakes that express the sea, and islands. An artificial lake that crosses the center of the park attracts seawater. On top of that, you can use water taxis, boats, and kayaks.
Registration Fees
For Overseas Participants (USD)
Registration Fees
Type |
Day1 |
Day2 |
Day3 |
Course 1 |
Course 2 |
In-Advance (July 01~28) |
Member |
General |
$ 30.00 |
$ 60.00 |
$ 30.00 |
$ 50.00 |
Student |
$ 20.00 |
$ 30.00 |
$ 30.00 |
$ 30.00 |
Non-Member |
General |
$ 45.00 |
$ 90.00 |
$ 45.00 |
$ 75.00 |
Student |
$ 30.00 |
$ 45.00 |
$ 45.00 |
$ 45.00 |
Late/On-site (August 22~23) |
Member |
General |
$ 40.00 |
$ 80.00 |
$ 40.00 |
$ 65.00 |
Student |
$ 25.00 |
$ 35.00 |
$ 35.00 |
$ 35.00 |
Non-Member |
General |
$ 55.00 |
$ 115.00 |
$ 55.00 |
$ 95.00 |
Student |
$ 35.00 |
$ 55.00 |
$ 55.00 |
$ 55.00 |
- Participants from ICAPPS alliance should register thru the institution in their own country.
- In-Advance registrant is valid only by the list provided by the alliance institution.
- We accept Visa, Master
- Student applies Full-Time graduation school master's course student.
For KPA Members(KRW)
Registration Fees
Type |
Day1 |
Day2 |
Day3 |
Course 1 |
Course 2 |
In-Advance (July 01~28) |
Member |
General |
₩ 40,000 |
₩ 80,000 |
₩ 40,000 |
₩ 65,000 |
Student |
₩ 25,000 |
₩ 40,000 |
₩ 40,000 |
₩ 40,000 |
Non-Member |
General |
₩ 60,000 |
₩ 120,000 |
₩ 60,000 |
₩ 100,000 |
Student |
₩ 40,000 |
₩ 60,000 |
₩ 60,000 |
₩ 60,000 |
Late/On-site (August 22~23) |
Member |
General |
₩ 55,000 |
₩ 100,000 |
₩ 55,000 |
₩ 85,000 |
Student |
₩ 35,000 |
₩ 45,000 |
₩ 45,000 |
₩ 45,000 |
Non-Member |
General |
₩ 75,000 |
₩ 155,000 |
₩ 75,000 |
₩ 125,000 |
Student |
₩ 45,000 |
₩ 75,000 |
₩ 75,000 |
₩ 75,000 |
- On-site registration is by credit card only
- Student applies Full-Time graduation school master's course student
Day1 Registration
Includes access to welcome party
Day2 Registration
Includes access to all conference presentation on Friday 23rd; access to the conference proceedings via the ICAPPS Digital Library; Conference Lunch; attendance at the Conference Banquet
Day3 Registration
Includes attendance Technical Tour activities; Lunch
Advance Registration : July 1 10:00 ~ July 29, 2024 17:00
Onsite Registration : Closes 15:00, 23 August 2024
[Notice] The dates above are for Korean participants only. All overseas participants should contact the institute of their own country.
To be eligible for Student Registration rates, attendees must be enrolled students undertaking full-time study, and be able to provide evidence of that status if requested to do so.
To be eligible for General/Member rates, attendees must be current members of KPA.and be able to provide evidence of that status if requested to do so.
Authors of Accepted Papers
At least one author of each accepted paper should include registration of Day2 during the Advance Registration period.
For Presenters
- All Presenters are requested to be in your presentation room at least 10 minutes before your session starts.
- Presenter is requested to save the presentation material in advance on the session room computer to ensure it is functioning normally.
- Each presenter has 15 minutes for presentation. First 10-12 minutes would be for the presentation and the rest would be for Q&A with the audience.
- Poster presenter should submit the extended abstract within the period and bring the A0-sized poster to put up on the designated poster board at the conference.
- Poster presenters are expected to stay by your poster for the duration of the Q&A session.
For Session Chairs and Assistants
- Session Chairs moderate oral presentations and manage the time of each session.
- They may change the time allocation for each presenter when necessary to avoid the conflict of scheduled time of the other sessions.
General Information
Public Transport
Public transportation and taxis in Seoul have an extensive operating network.
The Seoul subway is consistently selected as one of the best subways in the world for its convenience, cleanliness, and short driving intervals, and it is the most efficient means of transportation for tourism in Seoul.
Seoul buses have a well-developed public bus system, and the fare is low and convenient to use.
Seoul taxis are easy to find, and they are useful transportation that is easy to find on the street or near major tourist attractions with low fares.
Discounts will be applied to public transportation in Seoul if you transfer within 30 minutes of getting off. (Transfer discount within 1 hour from 9 p.m. to 7 a.m.)
However, you have to use a transportation card and tag the transportation card on the terminal when you get off. Transfer discounts are not available between the same lines, so be careful.
Visa Information
Korea is a great place to visit but whether you are here for just the conference or you decide to stay for a holiday, you must have a valid Korean visa.
We strongly encourage and recommend that you visit the Korea Visa Portal website for the latest and most comprehensive information. Please visit the link below;
The average temperature for Seoul in August ranges from 25°C (minimum) to 35°C (maximum).
Incheon International Airport
This is Korea’s representative airport. Nearly all domestic and foreign air carriers flying into Seoul land at Incheon Airport. Depending on the airline, flights arrive at either Passenger Terminal 1 or 2. When moving between terminals, use the free shuttle bus or pay a small fare to take the Airport Railroad Express.
Gimpo International Airport
This is the closest airport to the city of Seoul with both international and domestic terminals. It operates a limited number of international flights to a few regions including Tokyo and Osaka, Japan and Taipei, Taiwan. If you land at Gimpo International Airport, it is faster to get to the city center of Seoul, and it is also convenient to transfer to flights to other parts of Korea such as Jeju Island and Busan. Free shuttle buses operate from the International Terminal to the Domestic Terminal.
Check out how to use the shuttle bus (Korean, English, Chinese, Japanese)
Transport from the Airport
AREX is a railway that connects Incheon International Airport and Gimpo Airport to downtown Seoul.
Airport Limousine Bus
Bus that connects Incheon International Airport and Gimpo Airport to downtown Seoul.
- Operating Hours : 60~80 minutes
- Fare : 5,000~15,000 KRW
- Tickets : Designated ticket window outside passenger terminal
Value Added Tax(VAT) of 10% applies to all consumer goods and is included in retail prices. All fees are quoted in Korean Won.
Decimal currency is used in Korea - units are Korean Won. All major credit cards are widely accepted in Korea. Visit for current exchange rates.
The "Living and Breathing Dynamic" experience for Travellers
Discover SEOUL
In the 21st century, competition between cities and cities will be more intense than between countries. Accordingly, Seoul has designated the international financial and business industries, information and communication, digital content, fashion, and bio industries as its five strategic industries to become the center of Northeast Asia and is intensively fostering them. Seoul continues to evolve to be a livable environmental city, and in June 2005, a large park and Seoul Forest were opened.
On July 1, 2004, the Seoul Metropolitan Government implemented a major transportation system reform. The burden of public transportation fares was greatly reduced by introducing a tram-bus-linked transportation system along with the drastic installation of central bus lanes. In addition, by establishing a dual system of trunk and branch lines, and securing speed using central bus lanes, the oversaturated traffic situation in Seoul was effectively organized.
Currently, the Seoul Metropolitan Government is judged to have some aspect as an international city, and its vision is to become a world-class city in all fields, including culture, environment, welfare, and economy, in the 21st century. The first city pursued by the Seoul Metropolitan Government refers to a warm city full of people's fragrances, a pleasant and comfortable green city resembling nature, a vibrant city containing the world, and a long history and culture city, and Seoul will be reborn as a first-class city with global brand value when various projects promoted by the city are completed.
Seoul in August
Seoul has a reputation for its distinguished 4 different seasons. A tip for any visitor is to be prepared for anything – wear light layers and dress comfortably. It will be summer in August so the days will be hot during this time of year and somewhat humid all day. The average temperature for Seoul in August ranges from 26°C (minimum) to 35°C (maximum). Keep in mind temperatures can reach up to 37°C and there will be heavy rain.
For more useful information for your trip to Seoul, please visit;
Yonsei University, Sinchon Campus
50 Yonseiro, Seodaemungu, Seoul, Korea
Yonsei University Sinchon Campus is superbly located in near downtown of Seoul, close to the Seoul City Hall, Seoul Square and just 30 minutes from Gimpo International Airport, and 60 minutes from Incheon International Airport.
Campus Map
Start Times
Thursday 22 August
Welcome reception
Commences 6:00pm
Friday 23 August
Conference Opening Ceremony
Commences 9:00am
Saturday 24 August
Technical Tour Registration
Commences 8:00am
※ Please arrive and complete your registration prior to these times.
Contact Us
2024 ICAPPS Secretariat
Korea Planning Association
Suite 708, Bldg 1, Teheranro7gil 22
Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea
T. 82-2-568-1863